Monday, December 30, 2013

Holiday Happiness Continues

Hello friends!  I thought I would be posting a New Year's project for the New Year Linky Party at Bitten by the Bug 2.  But after lots of company, a tummy thing, and even more company, I did not get my New Year project completed.  I did, however, have a wonderful surprise visit from my older son last night!!! 

The big news at our home this Christmas season, is John and Bethany became engaged!  He took her to Asheville, NC to the Biltmore Estate on Friday, December 27th and proposed.  We knew this was coming, but I could not help but admire what a wonderfully romantic setting John chose for his proposal.  As you might guess, my life has transitioned into wedding planning as they plan to marry this summer!

Since I have no project to share with you, I thought I would share a few Christmas morning photos (in which half of us are still in our PJs - including me!).  Above - Doug models his Dr. Who hat and scarf.  Below - John is thrilled that Crissie restocked his classroom supplies!

Ian LOVED his new bass and did not want to put it down to open his other gifts.  I told him that he acted the same way over the Little Tykes car when he was two. Every other gift was opened from inside the car we named "The Flintstone-mobile".

Bethany likes sloths.... Aaron and I each got her the same sloth for Christmas.  She was thrilled with her twin sloths!

Santa, that awesome fellow, brought me cutting mats and a great die and stamp set.  I was very happy!!

Not to leave Duncan out, he too received two gifts.  He is so sweet and so happy when he opens a new toy!

Aaron and Crissie were funny.  He got a KitchenAid, and she got a tent!  Role reversal much?

And here they all are: Ian, Bethany, John, Crissie, and Aaron.... and Duncan the wonder dog, Edgar the pug and Magnus the puggle.  What a crew!

Please DO go by the BBTB2 blog and join the New Year's Linky Party.  I think it is going to be fun!!


  1. Congrats Susan - love how they look at each other - so sweet! Enjoy the wedding planning! ~Laura

  2. Congrats on the wedding plans.... loved the photos. Happy New Year 2014 my friend.

  3. Congrats on the engagement!! I know you are going to have a fabulous time planning and making wedding stuff!!! Happy New Year to you all!!! Hugs!

  4. Happy New Year Susan wishing you and your family Health happiness and many blessings throughout this year.
    HUgs Diana

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful merry Christmas with your family! Congrats to you son on the engagement-planning the wedding will be such a fun happy time! Looking forward to the new year and all the fun on BBTB2-thanks for EVERYTHING you do to make it all run smoothly!

  6. Congratulations to Bethany and John! How exciting planning the wedding, I know you two are close and you will have lots of fun doing so. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
    Love your family photos - thanks for sharing.
    Happy and Healthy New Year to you all.
    Jayne x
