Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend of Family Fun

Hello everyone!  Today I have no project to share with you - just news of the weekend and a public service announcement:  Bitten By The Bug 2 is on holiday break this week so there will not be a weekly challenge.  I think the design team is recovering from too much weekend fun - I know I am.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  I had an absolutely fabulous weekend - a quiet Thanksgiving day with Doug and Bethany (and Duncan the wonder dog!), which lead to a fun Friday.  Ian as well as Aaron & Crissie (and their two dogs!!) came home on Friday.  Aaron & Crissie spent Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday with Crissie's mom, then we had them until Sunday late afternoon.  Friday night we played card games late into the night while teasing one another and having a great time.

Saturday brought Ferrando's pizza for lunch, an afternoon photo shoot for Aaron and Crissie, and bowling.  Saturday evening was spent with finger foods, football, music, an outdoor fire, and more fun card games.... And of course lots more teasing.

The couple photos featured here are Crissie's favorite of the 20 or so photos I took of she and Aaron.  In my usual style, I just followed them around the yard with my camera.  I really like the photo at the top of the page, and the others too, including the floating heads above!

Now for the next two photos:

As Doug and I were wearing down on Saturday night, the younger generation was ready to go find Karaoke or other fun in downtown Aiken.  As they started to leave, Bethany and Aaron compared hats.  Bethany then realized she had a second furry hat that Crissie could borrow.  Now why Crissie would want to borrow this hat is beyond me - clearly not a fashion statement that I appreciated.... Though they assured me that they were a hit in downtown Aiken!

As they were departing Ian came in wearing his Cubs hat.  He earned extra points for a normal hat!!  But the hat assortment required documenting!!  Anyway, now you understand why I have no project to share with you today... Too much family fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pix and I love the furry has! We've got a few of those around here ourselves, Too warm for them this weekend, though. Has been a fabulous holidy. Sounds like yours was too. xxD
